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Jenni's Anime Shrine
Fitcon 2003

You had to be a Big Shot, did ya?


I have to say that Fitcon was a bit less fun this year, despite the increase in attendants. The usual people were nowhere to be found, save Gecko. Both Cosplaylab and Rising Sun were busy that weekend, so no real extensive photo coverage. We did, however have a good time in our own social group and the added benefit of home a short drive away. The only real things I didn't like about the con were the late slots for the costume and cosplay contest and the hard to find viewing rooms and such. Mostly I go to cons to have fun, socialize, and cosplay, so it was a bit boring waiting so long for the stage stuff to begin. (And the cosplay dating game was held on Sunday so I couldn't participate)  We did another insta-skit here which, oddly enough, won us best overall in the costume and cosplay contest.
