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Jenni's Anime Shrine
Fitcon 2002

What kept me cosplaying...

 Fitcon was my first truly fun con experience, we had a somewhat rag-tag group of people who were simply available to show up to the con for some fun, but I guess that was the best part of the whole thing. There was no real pressure except to finish my Anthy costume, which was fun to wear and be seen in. This was the place where the five-minute instant skit was born, the tradition being that if we made up a skit in five minutes, rather than planning or rehearsing one, we usually ended up winning, either for skits or costumes. The rehearsed skits, including the D&D Utena skit and the Men in Tights Utena skit were incredibly well-recieved, but not prizewinners. We got the chance to really get to know the people around the con, and ended up all going out to a chinese resturaunt and karaoke afterward, all still in costume, thus the tradition of cosplaykaraoke was born!
