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Jenni's Anime Shrine
Jaco Halloween 2001

Frightening the general public...


On a whim one day, I decided to look for online events for halloween, and came across the JACO website, which advertised the halloween party, so I decided to make the trip to Orlando, and invited Danielle to go with me. When we arrived, we saw a bunch of other cosplayers running amok, and we watched some of the anime showing and socialized a bit. After the DDR pad was hooked up, we decided to go out to dinner, and headed into the asian district of Orlando. Well, we were in for quite a surprise eating there, as we both forgot Dani had the symbol for demon marked on her forehead, (as she was Tamahome for the evening) so the waitstaff was rather reluctant to serve her...that is still a good laugh to this day! After supper, we headed back and watched some more anime and then participated in the small cosplay contest, then hung out a bit longer. All in all, we had a very fun time!